New Blog, Who This?

Hello World!

This is a test post for my new blogging backend.

I got bored of the static site generator approach, so I made a phoenix-based page instead.

Each post is made via an email - I just send an email to this server, and there’s a gen_smtp based SMTP server that will then take the email, and make it into a post.

The post is just markdown, so it’s pretty easily formatted on the page.

At one of my previous jobs, I had a project where I was working with an Amavisd-new-based mail filter. A few years later, I kinda missed that project. Working on this was great, since I pretty much had to implement callbacks for all of the SMTP verbs, which felt a lot like I was working on that project.

Do I need to edit a post? Delete one? The database is just Postgres, so it’s not a big deal to just spin up adminer and hop in to make the changes I need to.

I probably won’t post here super often, I don’t have a lot to write about.